Analysis > Options > Batch

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Set up analysis batch queue.


If the user has multiple models that need to be run, these can be specified in this batch queue. By selecting


Analysis > Options > Batch > Execute Batch Queue


all checked models will be run without any request for interactive response from the user.


When you check a batch file for execution you will be prompted to search for a model file name, location, and file format. If the search is successful, the model will be checked.


The second column in the Batch File Setup dialogue box allows you to set analysis options if desired. These setting override any options set in the Analysis > Options dialogue box.


Console Mode:


Map3D can be started from the Windows command prompt or from a *.bat file if desired.

Command line options can be used in a text file script or entered from a Command Prompt.

The procedure is simply to create a *.bat file as follows:

Map3D filename.inp -option1 - option2 ... (where "filename.inp" is the name of the model file you want to analyze).

The options are as follows:

-analysis (tells Map3D to run an analysis - you must also supply "filename.inp").

-console (displays only the "Analysis Dialog" while Map3D is running).

  (displays nothing at all while Map3D is running and stops upon completion of analysis).

-stop (stops Map3D upon completion of analysis).


You can also open results files as follows:

Map3D filename.001 (where "filename.001" is the name of the results file you want to display).


For example if you want to run a Map3D analysis with only a logging window shown, you would start this as follows:

Map3D filename.inp -console -analysis


For example if you want to run a Map3D analysis with no logging window shown, you would start this as follows:

Map3D filename.inp -silent -analysis




Batch model files names are saved and restored each time Map3D is executed.


Model files that are not checked will not be executed in batch mode.


The batch queue can be interrupted at any time simply by aborting the current analysis


Analysis > Abort