CAD > Properties > Material Properties

Analysis > Materials

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Specification of material properties.


Several different dialogue boxes will appear depending on the material type selected: Mohr-Coulomb, Hoek-Brown, Drucker-Prager, Backfill Hyperbolic and None.


Mohr-Coulomb in 3D FF blocks can be used as a flow rule for non-linear material behaviour in Map3D Non-Linear and Map3D Visco-Plastic. Can also be used as failure criterion in 3D FF blocks or in the host material in Map3D Fault-Slip.


Hoek-Brown in 3D FF blocks can be used as failure criterion in 3D FF blocks or in the host material in Map3D Fault-Slip.


Drucker-Prager in 3D FF blocks can be used as failure criterion in 3D FF blocks or in the host material in Map3D Fault-Slip.


Fault-Gouge in DD planes can be used as a flow rule in DD planes in Map3D Fault-Slip, Map3D Non-Linear or Map3D Visco-Plastic.


Equilbrated-Gouge in DD planes can be used as a flow rule in DD planes in Map3D Fault-Slip, Map3D Non-Linear or Map3D Visco-Plastic.


Yielding-Pillar in DD planes can be used as a flow rule in DD planes in Map3D Fault-Slip, Map3D Non-Linear or Map3D Visco-Plastic.


Hyperbolic-Backfill in DD planes can be used as a flow rule in DD planes in Map3D Fault-Slip, Map3D Non-Linear or Map3D Visco-Plastic.


Quadratic-Backfill in DD planes can be used as a flow rule in DD planes in Map3D Fault-Slip, Map3D Non-Linear or Map3D Visco-Plastic.


Softened Material in 3D FF blocks or DD planes can be used to soften an elastic material to simulate ground yielding and the resulting stress redistribution effects.


Stress State specify the pre-mining stress state.


In elastic analyses the failure criterion is used only for strength factor calculations and contour plotting and does not affect the analysis results.


In non-linear analyses (3D FF blocks in Map3D Non-Linear, 3D FF blocks in Map3D Visco-Plastic, and DD planes in Map3D Fault-Slip) the failure criterion is used as a flow rule to control yielding and non-linear deformations.